About Us






Getting Aware of






Changing Behavior With Intervention of Chaging for Consumption



Conserving Water
for All

About The Company

ADM Meters LLP serves as an essential company in the business of metering of water under the genesis of sub metering. We have successfully established our business of using water efficiently since
2016. Through our innovative products and services, individuals, enterprises, and leading businesses have figured out the means to be more economical, sustainable, and smart about their usage of water.

Working towards a green future is one of the core focuses of the company and we have given our customers the correct means for water conservation. ADM Meters has carefully curated the design of water meters which accurately determine the usage of water. We offer quality products which are extremely easy to use and can help identify any leakage or wastage issues. We are the only company in India that offers a 5-year guarantee for its products.

Our products are devised for convenient domestic and large-scale usage without any hassles. Through our technology we have integrated a fool-proof system that is progressive and the future of water preservation. For entities looking for a convenient and sustainable approach towards water consumption, smart water meters make ideal choices.

We believe that pricing water is a calculative approach towards saving water, as it limits the exploitation of the free water that is made available to the general public. Timely interventions such as these help in letting people be accountable for their usage of natural resources such as water. Sub-metering water is a great method in bringing reforms in water conservation as well as fulfilling United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. ADM Meters strongly feels that businesses should be modelled around sustainable measures, especially in the growing face of global warming and all the ill-effects it has all over the planet.

Our Vision

We envision an ecosystem where individuals, large-scale as well as small-scale industries and communities in general are making smart choices for saving water for others as well as the future generations by installing water meters. We hope to see the larger public use water meters and employ the goodness of these products to live sustainably.

Our Value

ADM Meters LLP sees the importance of sustainability in today’s world which is witnessing rampant effects of global warming. Our products and company’s objectives are aligned towards controlling the damages of these events and we are affirmative that our services will help people make smart choices for themselves and the planet.

Get a Wide Range of Complete and Integrated Solutions
for Sub-metering

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